Located in Calgary Alberta

Calgary Faith Revival Church

Our Vision is to raise up a people of Holy Spirit and great faith that will bring about a revival in Calgary and the rest of the world.

Acts 1:8, Mark 9:23, Matt 8:10

Teaching the WORD OF GOD.

Focusing on continuous PRAYER and true WORSHIP.


1Thess 5:17, John 4:24, Matt 28:19-20

Dr. Francis Myles is coming back!

Conference dates October 17-20 2024. Make sure to be there!


About Us

With a small number of people attending the first proceedings, the church was launched on June 29, 2015. Jesus has showered his mercy upon us and by the grace of God, the church has grown from strength to strength. Even though Church is still growing and still developing but we have full faith and conviction in our Jesus as he said do not despise these small beginnings (Zecharia 4:10). In only because of the support and guarding of Jesus that this church is developing and we consider this as our privilege to preach and spread the Word of God and work for the Lord.

Our Mission:  ….to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.  Luke 1:17

Come Visit Us…

Sunday Service

10:00am to 12:00 noon
Join us for a time in His presence and teaching from the Word Of God.


Leadership training

Sunday Mornings 9:15am – 9:45am
Become the leader God wants you to be and knows you can be!


Bible Study

Tuesday night 7:00pm
Join us on Zoom as we dive into God’s Word.


Prayer meeting

Friday 7:00pm
Join us at the church each Friday for an evening of prayer. On the last Friday of each month our prayer service runs until midnight.


Small Groups

Meets once each month
Need some free friends? Join one of our small groups and get connected. Contact us for more information.


Looking for something else?

Check out our ministries page for information on our mens, ladies and youth groups!


We would love to hear from you

We are located at 3812 Edmonton Trail 

Phone: 403-452-1919 

Email: office@calgaryfaithrevivalchurch.ca